2022 Stamp Issues
Definitive Issue "Houses in the F.M." - 0.85 CW
The third issue of the new Definitives series of Posta tal Musograd shows an architectural jewel, the "Pentarion", a building located in the Ghibalni mountains in the western part of the Scientific Republic of Murwillumbah, right at the border to Naquarnia and Musograd. Built in 2015, it serves as a restaurant and shelter for mountain hikers.
- Date of Issue: 2022.01.25
- Design: A. Wulf
- Small Fixed perforation, matt paper
- Printed with Kyocera printer
- Values: CW 0.85
- Order No. FM202201 - single stamp (CW 0.85)
Surcharge Issue "Support Ukraine"
On 2022.02.21, Russia decided to recognize the fake statelets of DNR and LNR in Eastern Ukraine. The Federated Micronations see this event as the start of the war Russia is waging against Ukraine. In 2008, Capricornian experts had predicted the Russian occupation of Crimea in 2014, and the current agression against Ukraine was predicted by the SDFM in April 2021, where it led to the issue of a commemorative stamp . The SDFM now expects a large scale war with the goal to occupy all of Ukraine, starting within the next few days. It is possible that this war might expand into an uncontrollably large worldwide conflict.
The current issue is based on the 2021 stamp issue, with added texts and a surcharge. An Ukrainian Mig 29 fighter with artificially changed decoration is shown.The stamp is issued in sheets of 6, with border texts, similar to the 2021 stamp but with altered texts.

The stamp surcharge will be doubled by Posta tal Musograd and transferred in equal parts to two organisations dedicated to support Ukraine, Blue-Yellow , based in Lithuania and focussing mostly on military supplies, and LEPO . LEPO is a project based in the German city of Leinfelden-Echterdingen supporting a childrens' hospital in their twinned city, Poltawa. Poltawa is now one of the most threatened cities of Ukraine. The latter charity was selected because of the deep historic links between Leinfelden-Echterdingen and Musograd.
Posta tal Musograd also offers to send you a complete sheetlet of this issue if you provide us with credible documentation of a donation of 20 Euro towards one of these charities.
Addendum (2022.03.28): Three days after the issue date of this stamp, the Russian aggression against Ukraine exploded into a full scale war. Against the opinion of most "experts", the Ukrainian Army and Air Force have survived the first onslaught. More than one month into the war, the Ukrainian Air Force is still fighting back effectively against the Russian Air Force. Pilots like the "Ghost of Kyiv" are becoming legends. The web magazine "Coffee or Die" writes: "The story of the Ukrainian air force, once fully told, will undoubtedly influence the thinking of air power theorists and combat aviators for generations to come.". The selection of the motive of this issue has been proven even more prescient than expected at the time of issue. Even the value selected (unknowingly) is symbolic - "Cargo 200" refers to dead Russian soldiers. Slava Ukrainii!
- Date of Issue: 2022.02.21
- Design: J.Schwarz
- Free perforation, matt paper
- Printed with Kyocera printer
- Value: CW 2.00 + 2.00 surcharge
- Order No. FM202202 - single stamp (CW 4.00)
- Order No. FM202202MS - Sheetlet containing 6 stamps (CW 24.00)
Definitive Issue "Houses in the F.M." - 1.30 CW
The series of definitive stamps depicting characteristic houses in the F.M. is continued with two 1.30 CW values. Originally, two different values were planned, but a mixup at the printing plant resulted in the issue of two stamps of the same value.
The green 1.30 CW stamp shows a vacation home located in a bay of the Qumarow Lake in the Balanda Republic. The tent-like structure is mirrored in the calm sea surface. Another vacation home is depicted on the blue 1.30 CW stamp. This very transparent building is located on the beach near Zeehan in the Republic of Capricornia.
Due to the printing mixup and the issue of a 3.50 CW stamp with a similar motive in October 2022 , the blue 1.30 CW stamp will not be reprinted in the future. It will still be available through the Philatelic Service, though.

- Date of Issue: 2022.04.08
- Design: A. Wulf
- Small Fixed perforation, matt paper
- Printed with Minolta Magicolor printer
- Values: CW 1.30 / 1.30
- Order No. FM202203 - two stamps (CW 2.60)
Surcharge Issue "Slava Ukraini"
The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine is now in its seventh week. To support Ukraine in its defense, a second surcharge stamp was issued which has got a blue - yellow wave as its motive, symbolizing the force with which Ukraine is fighting back the aggressor. The inscription "Slava Ukraini!" means "Glory to Ukraine". Like for issue FM202202, the proceeds, doubled by PtM, will be given to the charities Blue-Yellow , based in Lithuania and focussing mostly on military supplies, and LEPO , helping a childrens' hospital in Poltawa.
- Date of Issue: 2022.04.13
- Design: J. Schwarz
- Free Perforation, matt paper
- Printed in sheets of 24 stamps
- Printed with Minolta Magicolor printer
- Value: CW 2.00 + 2.00
- Order No. FM202204 - single stamp (CW 4.00)
Commemorative Issue "Art - Reflections"
In Musogradian stamp history, several works of art by regional artists have been displayed on stamps. This issue takes up this tradition. The stamp shows a kind of dream-like virtual architecture, reflected in a lake. The drawing was created by the artist A.Wulf in 2022. It was printed on a heavier paper which to date was only used for small stamps.
- Date of Issue: 2022.04.28
- Design: A. Wulf
- Free Perforation, thick matt paper
- Printed in sheets of 21 stamps
- Printed with Minolta Magicolor printer
- Value: CW 0.85
- Order No. FM202205 - single stamp (CW 0.85)
Commemorative Issue "Micro-Euro-Summit 2022 in Chyše"
On 2022.06.25, the Micro-Euro-Summit", the first Micronational summit in Europe oriented towards European micronations, was held in the small town of Chyše in the Czech Republic. To celebrate the event, Posta tal Musograd issued a Joint Stamp Issue together with the Parliamentary Monarchy of Duckionary.
The stamp image shows the Heads of State and Representants of the participating micronations. From left to right: Representant of Duckionary carrying the Summit Flag, the President of Obscurium (together with Duckionary the co-organizator of the event), the Archduke of Duckionary, the President of Edristan and, between the two Representants of Waronia, the Postmaster General of Posta tal Musograd and Diplomatic Envoy of the Federated Micronations. A historic result of the conference is the "Chyše Charter" which strives for intermicronational peace and clearly distances the signatories from the "Imperial Citizens / Reichsbürger" and similar movements.
The stamp was designed during the conference in a co-working session with Archduke Arthur C. de Tourneau, with a similar stamp issued by Duckionary. The sheet border decoration consists of the flags of Duckionary and the Federated Micronations (new version without a star, valid since 2022.07.01) and the logo of the conference.
In addition, a joined miniature sheet containing 3 stamps from Duckionary and 3 of the PtM issue was issued.

- Date of Issue: 2022.07.07
- Design: A. de Tourneau / J. Schwarz
- Fixed perforation, matt paper
- Printed in sheets of 15 stamps
- Printed with Kyocera printer
- Value: CW 1.75
- Order No. FM202206 - single stamp (CW 1.75)
- Order No. FM202206MS - miniature sheet (CW 12)
Commemorative Issue "Diplomatic Relations between Duckionary and the Federated Micronations"
On 2022.07.22, a treaty regarding mutual recognion was signed between the Parliamentary Monarchy of Duckionary and the Federated Micronations. Both nations issued stamps in a joint issue to celebrate this event. The motive selected for the stamp shows the flags of the two nations and the conference building where representants of the two sides met during the Micro-Euro-Summit in Chyše. The sheet border contains both flags on alternating segments.
- Date of Issue: 2022.08.27
- Design: J. Schwarz
- Fixed perforation, matt paper
- Printed in sheets of 15 stamps
- Printed with Kyocera printer
- Value: CW 1.50
- Order No. FM202207 - single stamp with sheet border (CW 1.50)
Commemorative Issue "Musanian Constitution Referendum and Musogradian Independence Day"
October 3rd is the traditional Musogradian Independence holiday. It is often linked to elections taking place at that date. This year, it was linked both to regional elections in the Dershowo Musograd and to a Federation-wide Referendum which by accepting the proposed "Constitution of the Federated Micronations of Musania" converted the FM from a Federation of Nations into a Nation in its own right. The full rights of the nations within this Federation are protected by the new Constitution, which was accepted by a wide margin in all States of the FM.
The traditional "Independence Day" stamp issue was therefore combined in a miniature sheet with a "Constitution Referendum" issue. The motive of the miniature sheet is a view of the landscape at Malkhin Lake, Pejne River, where the Joint Sovereign Base is located. This base was founded by Capricornia, Balanda Republic and Naquarnia whose cooperation initiatives directly led to the re-forming of the Federated Micronations in 2022. The Referendum stamp contains a rainbow, which with the same colours as the Federation flag symbolizes this new beginning. The Independence stamp also contains an eagle as a symbol of the Dershowo. These birds of prey can often be seen in the area of the base.
- Date of Issue: 2022.10.03
- Design: J. Schwarz
- Free perforation, matt paper
- Printed with Kyocera printer
- Value CW 2.50 / 2.50
- Order No. FM202208 - miniature sheet containing 2 stamps (CW 5.-)
Definitive Issue "Houses in the F.M." - 2.40 and 3.50 CW
Two high-value stamps were added to the series of definitive stamps depicting characteristic houses in the F.M.. The light blue 2.40 CW stamp shows an exhibition pavillion in Musograd City, build with modern light-building technology using wood and other recyclable materials. The red 3.50 CW stamp replicates the motive of a 1.30 CW stamp issued in April, depicting a vacation home located on the beach near Zeehan in the Republic of Capricornia.
- Date of Issue: 2022.10.17
- Design: A. Wulf
- Small Fixed perforation, matt paper
- Printed with Minolta Magicolor printer
- Values: CW 2.40 / 3.50
- Order No. FM202209 - two stamps (CW 5.90)
Commemorative Issue "Octavia E. Butler - 75th Anniversary"
There is a strong connection between Micronations and the literature genres of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Both are located in realms not of this world and therefore require some world-building of their own. And both can have a philatelic aspect, as the "Discworld" stamp series, derived from the novel "Going Postal" by Terry Pratchett proves. Posta tal Musograd has issued a good number of stamps dedicated to authors from these genres, the first being the Douglas Adams memorial issue of 2003 . Posta tal Musograd has now created a long term issue plan covering important Science Fiction and Fantasy authors.
Octavia Estelle Butler has only recently become known to readers in the F.M.. Her SF novels often have a feminist and ethnic diverse background. Her "Parable" series can be described as dystopian climate fiction, but introduces hope in the form of the birth of a new religion embracing change. She was born on 1947.06.22 in Pasadena, California and died much too early on 2006.02.24, due to an accident. The stamp design is based on a Creative Commons photo by Nicolas Coucouma showing Ms. Butler during a book signing event. The image was processed through AI and other techniques into a drawing, with the signature of the author added on the left.
- Date of Issue: 2022.11.25
- Design: J.Schwarz, based on CC-BY-SA photo by Nicolas Coucouma
- Free perforation, matt paper
- Sheets of 4x7 stamps, with column values and printing date in the margins
- Printed with Kyocera printer
- Value: CW 0.75
- Order No. FM202210 - single stamp (CW 0.75)
Commemorative Issue "Kurt Vonnegut - 100th Anniversary / Leo Perutz - 140th Anniversary"
With his humanistic and ironic world view, the American Science Fiction author Kurt Vonnegut has strongly influenced the culture of the Federated Micronations. In the year of his death, 2007, he was honoured with a futuristic stamp issue by Posta tal Musograd , The current issue, to celebrate his 100th anniversary, uses a combination on techniques based on a public domain photography, with an etching like effect.
The Austrian Leo Perutz has written a number of fantastic novels which border the Science Fiction genre in some cases. Probably because of antisemitism, aversion against emigrés and a conservative mindset, he was mostly forgotten in Germany and Austria until the 1980s when he was slowly rediscovered. He was called the "great magic realist" of German literature by Daniel Kehlmann and was compared with great hispanic writers like Márquez and Borges. The Posta tal Musograd stamp issue honours his 140th anniversary.
- Date of Issue: 2022.11.27
- Design: J.Schwarz, based on public domain photos
- Free perforation, matt paper
- Sheets of 6 rows of 2 se tenant pairs, with the authors' names and dates in the top (Vonnegut) and bottom (Perutz) margins
- Printed with Kyocera printer
- Value: CW 1.00 / 1.40
- Order No. FM202211 - se tenant pair (CW 2.40)
Commemorative Issue "Yves Holland - Musanian Literature"
With the author Yves Holland and their novel "Federträger" , Musanian literature has made an impressive contribution to Fantasy literature. The novel follows the life of Fandor, an orphan, adopted by a nomadic society, who plays a crucial role in defending his homeland against a mysterious agressor using dark magic. The author is an established script writer of audio plays and has got longstanding connections to the Musogradian state. "Federträger" is the first novel by Yves Holland. Unluckily, the book is only available in the German language.
The stamp image combines the motive on the book cover, the head of a white kite, created by the graphics designer Anja Klukas , with a stylized castle representing the town "Grünberg" Fandor visits, and stylized mountains representing the mountain range he and his friends have to cross to conquer the dark powers.
- Date of Issue: 2022.12.07
- Design: A.Klukas (white kite head) / J.Schwarz (stamp)
- Fixed perforation, matt paper
- Printed with Kyocera printer
- Value: CW 0.55
- Order No. FM202212 (CW 0.55)
Year Set
A full year set can be obtained via Order No. FM2022FY, at a discounted price of CW 30 (instead of CW 42.15). The year set does not contain the FM202202MS (Ukraine) sheetlet, but the FM202206MS mini sheet is included.